Accommodations, Meals and Facilities
- Prearranged hotel reservations, vehicle rentals, and catering.
- Exclusive rates at a variety of popular hotels
- Recommended restaurants, local attractions and amenities
- 24 hour shuttle service for both passengers and crew
- Onsite CSR to arrange all bookings and logistics
Fully-equipped Aircrew and Passenger Facilities
- Pilot lounges complete with computers, telephones, and fax machines
- Executive lounges for passengers
- Complimentary onsite coffee, ice, bottled water, snacks and Wi-Fi
- Onsite vending machines
- Washroom Facilities
Flight Planning Support and Customs
- On-site Canpass/ Customs clearance
- Meteorological briefings for military available 24/7
- Full-service flight planning centre
- Flight requests and confirmations handled by phone, fax, email or VHF radio
Services may vary at each location.